A birth doula supports a birthing person physically and emotionally before, during, and after labor and birth. I work with you and your birth companion to prepare you for a positive birth experience. I support you and your birth companion to make educated, empowered, and informed decisions. I share knowledge and techniques to keep you more comfortable during pregnancy and labor. It’s an honor to be part of your journey!
Free virtual consultation with you and your partner
2 prenatal meetings in the comfort of your home
Unlimited phone, text and video chat support
Access to childbirth education material and resources
Support surrounding birth preference discovery
On-call starting at 37 weeks and one week after baby’s birth
Continuous labor & birth support
Labor at home with you
Access to TENS Unit comfort measure
Physical comfort measures
Immediate postpartum support (breast/chestfeeding) for 1-2 hours after birth
In home postpartum follow up visit includes lactation support. 3-5 complimentary infant pictures offered during the postpartum visit.
Birth photography is an add on and exclusively available to doula clients
Homebirth clients have the option to have me attend a prenatal visit with your homebirth midwife free of cost
*Birth doula clients can add on support for lactation education & lactation support. Inquire for package details and pricing
$50 travel fee outside of Franklin County
Prenatal planning in the comfort of your own home. This option is for parents who want guidance and expertise leading up to their birthing day. It does not include birth doula support during labor and birth.
Prepare your mind, body and partner for birth
3 prenatal appointments
Discuss birth preferences and options
Access to childbirth education material, videos, handouts
Hands on learning labor comfort moves and tricks
Advocacy preparation
The 3rd prenatal is focused on breast/chestfeeding and postpartum planning.
Parents have the option to add on postpartum lactation support.
$40 travel fee outside of Franklin County
Just birth support includes in person and continuous labor and birth support. This option is not available for first time birthers. This package is for parents who have taken a comprehensive childbirth class outside of the hospital system.
Free consultation
One virtual chat about birth preferences
On-call starting at 37 Weeks through birth
Continuous labor & birth support
Postpartum support (breast/chestfeeding) for 1-2 Hours after birth
Birth photography is an add on and exclusively available to doula clients
Five 2.5 - 3 hour HypnoBirthingⓇ classes. Classes are held in Gahanna at Proactive Health & Wellness.
HypnoBirthing book
HypnoBirthing workbook
Exclusive Rainbow Relaxation & Affirmations music
Relaxation scripts and prompts for practice and use during labor
Take home bag filled with pregnancy and labor goodies/hacks/essentials
HypnoBirthing parents have access to postpartum lactation support.
Private HypnoBirthingⓇ classes are taught virtually. Class availability is Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday between 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Flexibility with dates and times for classes
One-on-One instruction
More time allotted for practicing meditation, scripts, and affirmations
HypnoBirthing parents have access to postpartum lactation support.
This 2.5 hour private class for parents who completed the 5 week HypnoBirthingⓇ class for a previous pregnancy. They need a refresher on techniques, scripts, and affirmations. Taught virtually only.
5% off any service for the BIPOC community
“When you change the way you view birth, the way you birth will change.”
-Marie F. Mongan, HypnoBirthing Institute Founder