How a TENS Unit Could Help During Your Labor

TENS is a safe, non-drug method of pain control for back pain in labor.

TENS stands for Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation.

A TENS Unit is a handheld, battery-operated device, mild electrical impulses are transmitted through the skin to stimulate nerve fibers.

Using a TENS Unit does not guarantee no discomfort during labor. It works off the gate control theory. In essence, TENS can refocus and confuse our brains about where we are feeling sensation ( or discomfort/pain). Non-painful sensations can override the tightening and pulling sensation we experience when our uterine muscles are at work during a contraction (surge or wave).

TENS doesn’t work on some birthing people. It’s most effective if started in early labor. It is not the same as an epidural.

Small patches are placed on the birthing person’s back. The birthing person controls the eletrical impulses. It can be stopped and started at any time.

TENS can be helpful for birthing persons who would like an unmedicated birth or want to delay the use of medical interventions such as an epidural.

TENS cannot be used in water. Massage cannot happen in the area where the TENS pads are applied. TENS does give laboring people the freedom to walk around while using it.

According to Dr. Gordon Gadsby, TENS should not be used on skin with rashes, cuts or excema. People with a cardiac pacemaker or who suffer from seizures should not use TENS.

Always speak with your care provider before using TENS.

TENS should only be used by birthing persons who have spoken with their care providers about the use and their care providers have said it is safe for them.

Additional resources about TENS:

Evidence Based Birth

A Cochrane Review

National Institutes of Health