Happy Father’s Day weekend to all the Dads out there!
Get in your recliner, turn on the TV, and zone out the kids. We see you, Dad. You work hard for your family. You supported your partner through pregnancy, labor, and birth. And now you’re in the midst of raising tiny humans. There is NOTHING harder…or more rewarding.
Babywearing in the grocery store. My hero.
Dads (and birth companions of all types) deserve some credit. Just your presence helps your partner during the sometimes rocky and most definitely sleepless hours of postpartum. New research out of Stanford found the more you were around during those first crucial weeks and months, the better your partner fared. Women who had their partners around more in the first six months had less unexpected hospital visits and they didn’t struggle as much with postpartum anxiety or depression. The study is yet another reason we all need to push to legitimize paternity time.
So, we see you, Dad. You make us happy and the kids seem to like you too.
Sit back, enjoy a beer (or scotch maybe?), and revel in your manly accomplishments.
Happy Father’s Day.