Following My Heart

Why I chose to leave my journalism career behind for the birth world.

Thank you for checking out my website and business! Mind Body Baby has been a dream of mine for several years. My birth experiences changed me in ways I didn’t know were possible. It opened up my eyes to a surprisingly underserved demographic - birthing moms. There is a lot of focus on pregnancy and babies, but what about birth and moms’ experience? Education, empowerment, and a strong network of advocates is out there, but expecting moms have to seek it out.

There is a supportive birth worker community in Columbus. It’s small, but mighty. These professionals are experienced and ready to help expecting parents and parents of newborns. I’m part of that group. We want to empower birthing moms and their birth companions to take the lead. We want you to make informed, healthy decisions for you and your baby.

I walked away from my births feeling empowered and strong. But many times women feel sad, guilty, angry, and depressed. Our birth experiences can never be 100% predicted, but with education and a support network, you can feel satisfied with the way yours unfolds.

After my first daughter’s birth, I realized my positive birth experience was the exception. I had an unmedicated birth attended by a Mount Carmel doula. I took a HypnoBirthing class and used it during labor and birth. I had two supportive birthing companions, my husband and mom. I asked for a nurse who would like to work with a HypnoBirthing mother. My care provider was a group of midwives. After our daughter was born, I began meeting new moms who didn’t have the circle of support I leaned on to have a positive birth experience. I heard a lot of “I wish I had a doula...I wish my doctor asked me first…I wish I knew my options...”

The birth of my second baby confirmed for me that I was meant to support moms, their birth companions, and babies. I had an unexpected home birth, but it was beautiful. I made the decision to quit my job as a TV news producer and pursue my calling.

I am currently working towards my doula certification through DONA International. My doula Jen was my rock during labor. Her techniques, encouragement, and simple presence helped me stay the course. I am forever in debt to her for being part of my positive birth experience. It’s now my turn to help birthing moms during one of the most intimate, life-altering, and exciting times in their lives.

I believe wholeheartedly in the HypnoBirthing philosophy. I used the technique for both of my births. I felt in control, capable, safe, and calm through both labors. I’m thrilled to be joining a group of HypnoBirthing Certified Educators across the country who are working to help women reclaim their birth instincts.

A dear friend of mine once said, “Please always remember that which we share in common is stronger than our differences.” This rings true for birthing persons. We are all different, but all share a common love for our children.

Aly and John Romot with their feisty HypnoBirthing babies.

Aly and John Romot with their feisty HypnoBirthing babies.