childbirth education

The Power of Affirmations and How To Use Them

Your mind is a powerful force. How you interpret emotions produces physical reactions in your body. If you see police lights in your rear view mirror, what emotion sweeps over you? What physical reactions do you have to those emotions?

In HypnoBirthing we recognize the power of the mind and use it to your advantage to have a more comfortable, positive birth experience. 

Affirmations are one piece of the puzzle. 

Affirmations are short, positive phrases that help reinforce a particular outcome. 

“My body is made for birth.”

“I trust in my body and baby.”

“I am stronger than my surges because I am my surges.”

“I relax my jaw and breathe down to my baby.”

Here’s a simple guide to help you begin your relaxation journey:

  1. Find a space in your home or in nature where you feel comfortable, safe and at peace. 

  2. Get comfortable and nestle in. 

  3. Focus on your breathing. Put intention on each inhale followed by a longer exhale. At first this may seem distracting, but with practice you will instinctually find your flow.

  4. Choose music that calms your busy mind. You probably already have access to it - from Pandora, Spotify, Amazon Music, etc. Search for a meditation or yoga channel. I also recommend any station with Stephen Halpern music. He composed the music for the HypnoBirthing Institute. It’s meant to help take you down into lower brain levels.

  5. Repeating affirmations out loud begin to imprint the messages deeper into your subconscious. Ask your partner to read them out loud to you slowly as you relax.

Where can I find affirmations?

Here are two links to free affirmation downloads:

Ashley Carver Doula

Joyful Beginnings - Effy Rodriguez

I recommend saving each one to your phone and put them in a separate album. You or your partner can swipe through them during relaxation sessions or during labor. 

HypnoBirthing takes this process to the next level for you. Parents learn guided relaxation, meditation and hypnosis. Affirmations are a thread weaved into the fabric of the program that helps you have a calm, more comfortable and positive birth experience. 

Click here to see our upcoming HypnoBirthing group classes.